I’m finally gonna be a drummer!

Someday I won’t be able to take drum lessons, today is NOT that day!

I’ve always wanted to play the drums.  I have no clue why it’s taken me so long, but I’m so excited to finally be doing it!  I passionately dislike the slow awkward stage of learning something new and I don’t have a lot of confidence so I prefer to master something before I do it in the presence of someone else. I really want to be able to play Phil Collins though so I am stretching myself way out of my comfort zone and having someone else teach me how to play.  The first half of the lesson was kind of rough, but then he let me have a go at the hi hat, snare and bass- Yeah Baby!  I got of small taste of the magic of drumming that my friend Riley told me about. 🙂  C.S. Lewis said it well, “You’re never too old to set a new goal or dream a new dream” and there is no time like today to do so!  Today was a novelty!
